This web site is a tribute to our Dad, Donald K. McClure. He wrote a book in 1995 for his 4 sons and grandchildren telling of his experience in WWII. Since that time we have discovered more information regarding his experience. Some of the pictures and documents included here have been added to the original edition and are annotated as such. In some places text has been added and that too is annotated. Thanks to Christian Arzberger from Steyer Austria. Christian actually works in the ball bearing factory my Dad was bombing on the day he was shot down. It is still a ball bearing factory. Christian provided the information and picture on where my Dad’s B-17 crashed. He also provided pictures of the Luftwaffe base where the Pilot, Lt. Braum was killed in an American bombing raid.
Randy McClure Jan 2018
Randy Mark Dad Craig Gary | 2001 |
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